Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I Spent $400 and All I Got Was the Wrong Coffee

I’ve been having a rough go of things for the last week or so.  It all started a few weeks back when my landlord asked me if I’d mind helping him with some move-ins/outs for some extra money while he was out of the country.  I’m trying to save money right now of course so I agreed.  I made sure the places were cleaned before the move ins got there, that payment had been received electronically, and saw that all of the little bits and bobs were handled.  Except…the new tenant wasn’t exactly making it easy. 

I think I’m a pretty good judge of character so when information wasn’t correct, he failed to follow through with stuff, and he made it clear he only wanted to speak to me via phone, text, or email and not face to face, I got suspicious.  A half hour of Google skills later I was able to find out that my landlord failed to do a background check on the new guy and he’s a felon.  Plus, the constant herbal smell drifting into my unit would probably have tipped me off that this guy was not someone I wanted to live next to. 

Between the bad smell (to the point where I’ve had to leave or open a window in -20 degree weather or else get sick) and the partying, I haven’t been able to get much sleep.  Last night wasn’t a problem though so maybe my slamming doors whenever I’m ticked and the fact I’ve suddenly taken to playing death metal as loud as possible at 5AM may have influenced the change in behavior. 

On top of that, yesterday morning my car wouldn’t start.  I mean, when it’s consistently as cold as it’s been, I can’t expect my ten year old car to behave perfectly.  Just to be on the safe side I called into work and took it to the shop to have it looked at when it warmed up outside a little that morning.  Turns out, everything needed replaced.  A (really expensive) battery, all the connectors to the battery, and a serpentine belt all needed to get changed out.  Apparently the battery was extremely corrosive and basically fused with the battery cables. 

While they were working on my $375 car repair I slid next door to grab a coffee at Starbucks when I learned that the Chestnut Praline latte has been discontinued (for this year at least).  I know it sounds silly, but after having to take the day off and paying all that money, that was the one thing that I was looking forward to all day!  And it’s gone.  Long gone.


What’s your light at the end of the tunnel?  Shockingly mine is usually food or drink related.

Have you had sketchy neighbors?  How did you deal with it? A Molotov cocktail would be an overreaction ,right?

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