Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Weight Loss Wednesday-Food Edition

I’ve been on a kick where I just don’t want to put in the effort to prepare meals.  I think it’s a delayed hangover from the Whole30, as that plan was just so labor intensive.  I can’t cook 2 hours a day, every day and get all the sitting on the couch and watching TV time that I require in at the same time.  And since I hate buying convenience food for my house, I’ve been conveniently ordering takeout and driving through all the drive thrus.  All of them.


So I finally broke down yesterday and gave Target all of my money.  In return, I got some food to eat at home which requires little to no prep.  I bought a bunch of protein bars.  I also grabbed some gluten-free, organic burritos since they were on sale and you can’t get much lazier than a burrito.  Seriously, you don’t even need utensils.

I also bough these:


They only have 7 grams of sugar and less than 150 calories while still packing 4 grams of fiber.  They have chia seeds in them if that’s your thing but I just like that they have the texture of a no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookie.  They were also on sale, which is why I picked them up originally. 

Actually, looking at my receipt, the only things I bought that were not on sale were ranch dressing and ketchup.  You see where my priorities lie…

I speak the truth.

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